Livre d'Or

17/08/2000 11:47:48 - Réal Montambeault Répondre

Happy to receive your message.I am president of the Montambault families Association(please see information in the Web site)Give me the name of your grand father spouse and if possible your grand grand father and his wife, the place of their wedding and I will make research dfior you.I invite you to join the Association(near 150 members in America and France.Hoping to read you soon .Réal Montambeault

01/08/2000 03:36:22 - Carol Mac Donald

Glad to see this web site has been translated into English. My father, Roland Montambeau mentioned the site, and I have been waiting. It appears we just missed the Canadian Reunion. My grandfathers father, Alphonse Joseph Montambeau, was born in Three Rivers, Quebec. Looking forward to obtaining more information

05/08/2000 04:39:16 - Joan Poland Répondre

Hello from Guam. I just did a search and found your website. My maiden name was Montembault - born in New Bedford, Mass. My dad was Gerard and grandparents Lucy (born Durocher July 15, 1896)and Ludger (born Jan 25, 1896)(not sure of the spelling). Supposedly the grandparents from Three Rivers in Quebec. I'm assuming we are related. Let me know. Thanks Joan

01/08/2000 03:36:22 - Carol Mac Donald Répondre

Glad to see this web site has been translated into English. My father, Roland Montambeau mentioned the site, and I have been waiting. It appears we just missed the Canadian Reunion. My grandfathers father, Alphonse Joseph Montambeau, was born in Three Rivers, Quebec. Looking forward to obtaining more information

28/07/2000 03:39:10 - Susie Chartier Répondre

comment fait-on pour se logger sur le site complet? Mon num de membre est 136. Merci

11/02/2000 10:39:22 - Philippe Montembault

Merci de votre visite. Je suis ouvert à toutes suggestions pour faire évoluer mon site.

02/07/2000 19:53:13 - Réal Montambeault Répondre

Je n'ai pas eu de réponse de Mme Nicole Montambault.Tjrs en espérance.Demain= vélo.(7jours)Mme Poulin de l'agence de voyage communiquera avec toi pour le repas de sept. à St_Malo. A bientôt .Réal

18/06/2000 04:07:07 - Réal Montambeault Répondre

Mme Nicole Montambault
Connaissez-vous l'association des familles Montambault? Etes- vous membre? Voulez- vous en savoir plus?Réal Montambeault